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Association Chaplin and Roy Export Company Ltd.

The Association Chaplin was set up by some of Chaplin's children to protect the name, image and moral right attached to Chaplin's work. The Association Chaplin represents two companies: 'Roy Export Company Establishment' which owns the copyrights and other relevant rights to all films made by Chaplin from 1918 onwards and 'Bubbles Inc' which owns the merchandising rights in and to the Chaplin name and image.
Association also manages the Chaplin Archive and serves as a link between the above mentioned companies and the Chaplin family. The only members of the Association are also members of the Chaplin family.
The Chaplin Studios and personal archives are at present being scanned by the Cineteca di Bologna in Italy, sponsored by "The Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio" in Bologna. Eventually the entire catalogue of the archives, with some reproductions of documents, will be available on the internet. Full consultation of the entire database will be possible at Cineteca's library, or on special request to the Association Chaplin.