The bfi Charles Chaplin Conference July 2005

The Conference was co-organised with University of Southampton represented by Chaplin expert Michael Hammond and by Bryony Dixon for the bfi. A call for papers was sent out and a selection made of papers that offered new perspectives on Chaplin's work or matched some particular areas of interest identified by the conference programmers. Papers covered: Chaplin as transnational star, Chaplin and sentiment, Chaplin and British comic traditions, Chaplin and the intellectuals, Chaplin and modernism/modernity, Chaplin and the other arts, the restoration of Chaplin films.

A full programme included keynote papers, from Chaplin Research fellow, David Robinson, guest speakers Tom Gunning, David Trotter, Yuri Tsivian, Frank Scheide, Jacky Bratton and Jennifer Bean.

Events included the premiere of the restored Chaplin Keystone restorations, the first night reception at Wilton's Music Hall, the oldest surviving 19th century hall in London, exhibitions and the tour of Chaplin London locations.

The conference was a very convivial event and we were impressed with the range and diversity of work being undertaken on Chaplin today.