Restoration Case study: A Film Johnnie
The restoration of a Keystone film by Kieron Webb

Virginia Kirtley in A Film Johnnie
When restoring a film there is some preparatory research to do. You need to know as much as possible about the film: its content, who made it and why, who is in it, who released it, where was it seen, how was it received. All of these factors will give important clues as to how the film should look on completion of the restoration.
Use the links on the left to follow the steps in the restoration of Chaplin's Keystone film, A Film Johnnie.
Restoration report
This is the technical report of the restoration of A Film Johnnie. It lists the order of the shots in the new version and the length of each. It details the source copies used and their relative content. The varying intertitles are also listed. The aim of the report is to detail the editorial work of the project and to make it easier to substitute shots from any better material found in the future.
Download report (PDF, 623kb)

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