bfi materials

The bfi has an interesting range of Chaplin related materials built up over many years. By no means the largest collection of Chaplin material, the bfi's collections are extensive and in some areas unique. We hold Special collections such as the Inman Hunter collection and Edna Purviance papers and the Chaplin Out-takes collection. Other materials form the backbone of our research collection and include many of the pre-1918 films, stills, posters and designs and some hundreds of books, articles, trade publication references, newspaper cuttings, pamphlets, magazines, press books and so on.


Biographical details and picture gallery for every major period of Chaplin's life and career, from his early childhood to the later years.


Full filmographic details for each major stage of Chaplin's career. Contents include synopses and full credits as well as related material from the bfi National Film and TV Archive: stills, scripts, press books and other production materials.


A reading list of Chaplin related books and journal articles held and complied by the bfi National Library.

CatalogueChaplin In Context Catalogue

Music hall artistes, physical comedians and sketch comedy players who were working in Britain during Chaplin's Karno period.

ArchiveFilms and TV programmes in the Archive

An extensive collection relating to Chaplin much of which is available to view through our Research Viewing Service.

Out-takesChaplin Out-takes Collection

Unique documents of Chaplin's working methods, preserved by the bfi National Archive.

Chaplin as the trampOther resources

Other resources available from the bfi. Books and DVDs for sale, and free online Sight & Sound articles.